Ridiculously Photogenic Cookies

Cookies are ridiculously photogenic.

Like, have you ever seen a bad picture of a cookie?

I haven’t.

And because there always happens to be ridiculously photogenic (and delicious) cookies in my house, I decided to take some pictures. Here are a few shots from the photo shoot. Be right back. Going to get myself a cookie.

❤ Jessica

Cookie Dough

Cookie dough: a blend of cookie ingredients that has been mixed into a malleable form which has not yet been hardened by heat. Often eaten as is.

I’m sorry, Wikipedia, but is that the best definition you’ve got for cookie dough? Here’s what it should be:

Cookie dough: a blend of SERIOUSLY ADDICTIVE cookie ingredients that I can’t stop eating and is wrecking my healthy eating goals. Damn you. Needless to say, I have been eating waaaay too much cookie dough ice cream. Like, seriously disproportional to the amount of exercise I’ve been getting.

But then again, you only live once. #YOLO

Have a fantastic Friday!

❤ Jessica

Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar?

Not me. 😉

Costco’s chocolate chunk cookies are seriously addictive.

Actually, chocolate chunk cookies in general are addictive.

Ugh. In one brief umbrella statement, cookies are addictive.

These cookies are so soft and chewy, and full of giant chunks of chocolate… it’s impossible to turn them down. Unfortunately, a box of 24 of these babies is sitting on my kitchen counter staring at me and whispering, “Eat me!” I’ve already given into the temptation twice; I had one this morning and another one for an afternoon snack. Damn you, cookies!

Can you resist a soft and chewy chocolate chunk cookie?

❤ Jessica

Pomegranate Raspberry Sherbet

Me: Mom! Would you like some pomegranate sherbet?
Mom: Sorry, what?
Me: Pomegranate raspberry sherbet. It’s really good.
Mom: Sure, I’ll have some sorbet.
Me: *facepalms* No, mom. It’s sherbet, not sorbet.
Mom: Same thing…
Me: Actually… they are not the same thing. *goes on long rant about the difference between sorbet and sherbet*
Mom: Wait… then what’s the difference between sherbet and gelato? Or what about gelato and ice cream?
Me: Uhm… the sherbet is melting. Let’s eat first. 😉

I quickly googled the difference between gelato and ice cream after I finished my sherbet. Now I’m ready to tackle my mother’s questions in case she asks me again.

Comment below if you know the difference between sorbet, sherbet, gelato, and ice cream!

❤ Jessica

Hairy Things that Happen to Be Delicious

I used to think that chest hair was gross.

Then, I saw Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

I also used to be scared of edamame. (I’m a wimp, I know.)

Then, I tried some.

I’m still scared as heck…

Just kidding. 😉

They may be as hairy as a tarantula, but they are really delicious. Not as delicious as Mr. Gyllenhaal, but then again,  comparing them to him isn’t very fair. Point is… edamame is awesome. Now try it if you haven’t already!

❤ Jessica